Unemployment claims/ADP/Shutdown  information

Unemployment Due to COVID-19 Closures FAQ (2 pages)

Unemployment Pay Stub Covid-19 – Below is general Information we have received from the VEC (the Union has added dates and holiday info) to help you through the process.

We recommend everyone “Open a claim/Register” 4/5-4/10/20 (If you have registered in the past you can try to use the old username and password)

Due to many variables in your Holiday pay (COLA, AHE, Progression etc…) we recommend that a person waits to get their weekly paystub to file your claims for week 1 and 2 to avoid any mistakes.

Claim week 1 – Once you receive your pay stub for the “Good Friday” Holiday

Claim week 2 -- Once you receive your pay stub for the “Easter” Holiday

To ensure your opportunity for the CARE’s Act extra weekly unemployment monies we recommend you open a claim & claim both weeks even if you are on A&S, Vacation, Worker’s Compensation or your gross wages were more than $378 for the week.

The following was from the Virginia Employment Commission:

  • A "week" is Sunday - Saturday.

  • Claims should be filed during the First Week of Unemployment.

  • Please encourage everyone filing Online to read All Instructions.

  • All gross wages EARNED during any claimed week must be reported - wages from Yokohama, second jobs, self-employment, Holiday Pay, PTO, etc.

  • The week in which wages are EARNED usually differs from when wages are RECEIVED.

  • The pay Yokohama workers RECEIVE during the first week of unemployment were EARNED the PRIOR WEEK and should not be reported.  

  • (Ex:  When claiming the week of April 5 - 11, wages EARNED those dates and Holiday Pay allocated to one or more of those dates should be reported.)

  • Work search is not required.

  • The Waiting Week has been waived.

For groups laid-off for two weeks, THREE action steps are necessary:

1 - Open a claim

2 - Claim Week 1

3 - Claim Week 2


This process will take you an hour or longer, be sure to have your information available (Social Security number, Banking Information, date of hire, hourly/weekly wage) to avoid being timed out of the system.